
Friday, 5 February 2010

Social Studies: Skeleton Coast

The name sounds ominous and for good reason.

The coast is named for the bleached whale and seal bones which covered the shore when the whaling industry was still active, as well as the skeletal shipwrecks caused by rocks offshore in the fog. . The Skeleton Coast is is the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean coast of Namibia and south of Angola. The coast is line with a sand dune desert.

Rusting ship hull.

On the coast the upwelling of the cold Benguela current gives rise to dense ocean fogs for much of the year. There is a constant, heavy surf on the beaches making it impossible to launch a human-powered boat from shore.

Many of the plant and insect species of the sand dune systems depend for their moisture on the thick sea fogs which engulf the coast and windblown detritus from the interior as food.

Sources: Wikipedia
(Book) Ocean by The American Museum of Natural History.


Anonymous 10 February 2010 at 17:33  

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Total: 10/10

Cool. I love the information you stated here...just what the readers will want to know.

Your teacher.

Parag 16 February 2010 at 22:00  

Despite its arid and deadly appearance, the Skeleton coast namibia has a greater variety of species than many other parks in Southern Africa. Large mammals include Namibia's famous desert-adapted elephant, black rhino, lion, cheetah, giraffe, gemsbok, zebra, springbok and spotted and brown hyena, are found in the dry river beds which flow from the interior of Namibia, through the Namib Desert to the Skeleton Coast.


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I am a grade nine student living in Mexico. This is my home school education blog. I post the things I learned during the week on this blog. I hope you can learn things from this too.

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